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Thursday, October 8, 2009


author: Takehiko Inoue
review type: manga
status: ongoing
genre: Seinen, Sports


"Champions or not...In the end we're still crippled" (Pg.17, Ch 2)

The manga orbits around the lives of three high school teenagers. The first would crippled basketball player Togawa Kiyoharu. He was a prospect athlete, earning a call to his school's track team. And just when things were started to get brighter, his right leg was amputated below the knee due to osteosarcoma; a cancer or bone disease that happens around the knee. He develops a passion for basketball and due to his competitive nature, he takes the sport seriously.

The second would be school dropout, Nomiya Tomomi. He dons an afro and is consistently haunted by the past. He too is obsessed with basketball. But he didn't make the cut for the school team and that left him in circles. He is consistently reminded about the traffic accident he and a girl got involved in. The outcome; inevitably crippling the girl, Yamashita Yasumi from using her legs.

And finally, Takahashi Hisanobu. He was the alpha male-girls, glory, glamor. A sad twist to his story happened when he wanted to give his girlfriend a ride home. He stole a bicycle and rushed down pass the traffic to get there. Unfortunately, he got hit by a truck which left him paralyzed from the waist down. His status and identity was obliterated.

It is a story of how they deal with life the way they are. But with a tinge of passion for basketball. Their fates intertwine and soon realize that despite their short comings they still have to move on, to live life.

Rempit's Vrooming Comment

I would say, at first Real doesn't come to mind for a must read. Even on onemanga.com, its ranked at a pathetic spot. But however, again works of art should not only be judged by the opinions of mainstream media. It was definitely worth the read.

Takehiko Inoue was an absolute genius in producing this. Simply with the fact that he could make it an entirely different read from Slam Dunk; his previous basketball endeavor. It was not monotonous and definitely Real has that stand out ability.

Inoue's main focus for this manga is strict character development. That's such a positive feature. Each character is real and just not abstract. They all go through life, coping and yet trying to be just more than conquerors of what would seem to be an unfair twist of fate on their side. In terms of this I would rate it even better than HNI; which also has an astounding detail for character development.

Even the originality of the characters are definitely interesting. To read the manga, remember it's seinen in nature; so you don't have that shounen rivalry going on. So each character has a big part to play; like a big piece of a puzzle. So take note on each of them as you read through. You can't exactly find a hero in this, since each main character is a hero-to-be.

The author's take on basketball can't be pushed aside either. Inoue succeeds in becoming more mature in his understanding of sports philosophy and psychology. He embraces them and produces a much more deeper concept than Slam Dunk or Buzz Beater. Even the art is amazing and when reading it; it definitely gave me that kind of excitement to either pick up the sport or to just go watch a live game. Simply inspirational.

So I would say this is a must read. So move out from the mainstream and enjoy Real. It is different, fresh and definitely one of the best manga's I've read out there to date.

Rempit Rates

Originality: 5/5
Art: 5/5
Plot: 5/5
Character Development: 5/5

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